Find the eyes

You worry and wonder
A risky situation is at hand
You pray or meditate
Trying to find peace and strength
You find the EYES
Watching over you
You are safe
Feel calm
Power from above with you always

Work, plan and retire well
It is your life, and you’re in charge.
Fast-paced, decisions on the spot.
Plans fulfilled by a skilled team.
Good or bad times, you manage with ease.
The action, creativity, and fun are yours.
You plan your future.
Save, invest and build your nest egg.
Proud and successful, you retire..


Swedish Christmas in Florida
Tomten i solen
Midvinternattens kvällar är varma.
Stjärnorna gnistra och glimma.
Alla skratta och charma.
Djupt under midnattstimma.
Månen skrider sakta fram.
Svensk jul med fest och glam.
Svensk jul med klackar i taken.
Endast tomten är vaken.
Florida version of Viktor Rydberg’s Tomten
Midwinter nights are hot.
The stars sparkle a lot.
We laugh and have fun
Deep into the midnight without the sun
The Lucia glides in with Candle in her hair.
Swedish Christmas and warm sand as selfcare.
Swedish Christmas with ginger cake
Only Santa is awake.
Women Power
Strong and Peaceful
Persistent and Determined
Love and Compassion
Honesty and Integrity
Everyone Onboard
Strong Execution
Women Lead the Way
Showing by Example
Caring, Finding Her Way,
Accepting Support and Praise.
Fighting for Equal Rights and Pay
Never used or abused.
Help other women succeed with all her might.
Maintain boundaries, professional and clear.

My concern for her safety inspired me to paint this.

My fear of losing it inspired me to paint this.
Saving the Ocean
Crystal-clear water,
Glowing colors from the coral reefs,
Surrounded by vibrant fish,
Dolphins leaping, laughing, and playing.
We stand still and soak in the moment,
Wishing this paradise could last forever.
Person by person,
Step by step,
We don’t give up
Until we achieve a majority vote in our favor.
We are saving the ocean.
It is bloody hell
Mood is swinging
Tired and bleeding
Hot flashes and waking up soaked
Relief thru meditating and letting go
Breathing deeply and slowly
Yoga when sleepless.
Green juices and veggies
Slowly I learn to control it and feel fine again.